  • Address:No.1117, Sec. 2, Yonghua Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70843, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • TEL:+886-6-2987255
DAF CF 65.280 17T E5

The shortcomings of DAF CF 65.280 17T Euro-5 are the output slow at the start and the gear transfer reaction slow. It is obvious that the overall performance is limited, especially in heavy loaded.

QSTARZ record:
0-60km/h acceleration time is 23.3 seconds.

After MYS ECU tuning, the horsepower upgraded to 340hp and the torque enhanced 18kgm, even output forward 200~300rpm.

After MYS ECU tuning, QSTARZ record:
0-60km/h acceleration time is 21.1 seconds.

Driver's feedback:

The fuel consumption saves about 12% after tuning. 
Stock 4.7km/L→Tuned 5.3km/L
Address:No.1117, Sec. 2, Yonghua Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70843, Taiwan (R.O.C.) TEL:+886-6-2987255